Why I am running for School Board.
I am running for school board so that I can serve my community to the best of my ability, given my background, skills, and passion. I am service-minded and excited about the opportunity to do good works and partner with other municipal bodies in Wheaton and Warrenville to ensure that our kids continue to have a great place to grow up.

The school board currently does not have a member from Warrenville. It is important for Warrenville to be represented, as Warrenville is part of District 200, and representation matters. I want to be the Warrenville voice on the board. I moved to Warrenville when I was pregnant with my oldest, and after spending the last 15 years putting down roots, I am excited to serve. Warrenville and Wheaton are very special communities, and I want to do my part to help them thrive.
My husband and I have four wonderful children - Jack, Evan, Alexandra, and Lucy. I have a freshman at South, a 5th grader at Bower, a preschooler, and my baby is not quite school age yet. I have a vested interest in keeping the district as good, if not better, as all my children are moving through the district.
I will have a unique perspective as a school board member, in that I will have a High Schooler, Middle Schooler, Elementary Schooler, and Pre-schooler, all at the same time. This means I will be plugged into all levels of the system, with personal insights into each.


I am a transactional attorney – I work at Katten, Muchin Rosenman, LLP doing high volume contract negotiation for investment funds. I love my work because I can collaborate, negotiate and work with multiple competing parties to get a deal done. I believe that no matter what side I am on, I can find a connection that unites and come up with a solution that works for everyone, despite competing interests. I am deeply committed to being collaborative and working to unite, not divide.
I currently serve on the Warrenville Plan Commission Zoning Board and the Citizens Advisory Committee to the School Board. Those positions have given me valuable insights into what goes into sitting on a board that is committed to the betterment of the community.
I am very proud to say that I am endorsed by the WWEA Teachers Union. Additionally, I am endorsed by multiple past school board presidents, the current Mayor of Warrenville, David Brummel, and many other prominent members of the Wheaton and Warrenville community. These endorsements are a testament to my background, qualifications, and values that I would bring to serving on the board.